Your dreams can soar beyond one’s expectations, so give them wings to fly to infinity and beyond!
2nd Annual Back-to-School Drive with the Jacksonville School For Autism
September 15, 2023
2nd Annual Back-to-Drive with @jaxschoolautism !! First appearance check✔️📚
I am so extremely grateful for everyone’s contributions to my drive!! We were able to fill up an entire “sunshine cart” to brighten up the students day!! I had the opportunity to tour their new building after expanding, and I got to go to the kids classrooms and individually hand them gifts! It warmed my heart to see how enthusiastic and eager they were to play with these toys!! I can’t wait to come back next year for round 3!! Giving back to my community is something I am so passionate about, and this is only the beginning of my journey as Miss Freedom!!☺️♥️
1st Annual Back-to-School Drive with the Jacksonville School for Autism
June 13, 2022
This past Friday, I dropped a great quantity of school supplies to the Jacksonville School for Autism. Thank you Sarah & Ashley for being so kind and welcoming me to your amazing school!! I can’t wait to come in the future, once COVID restrictions dial down, and volunteer as well as meet the students!! It means so much to me to give back to a school with such an inspiring initiative, who provides such a positive atmosphere for kids with Autism!!
#jacksonvilleschoolforautism #volunteer #backtoschooldrive